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Clear & Free


Father & Son


Release & Reset


Uplift & Grow

We create surroundings to reflect, to make choices, experience the learning, and manifest personal development. Crises, times of essential decisions, pain and suffering (e.g. connected to breakups/divorces, job-related decisions), or simply too much speed in life offer the opportunity to take profound action. If you feel stuck, choose to grow or want to change direction, we try to help. Sail through unknown waters, release, recognize options & opportunities and explore your journey. 


Keynote-experts guide you through your individual goal-settings. We define retreat topics in order to connect with like-minded protagonists (e.g. connect to yourself, overcome addictive or harming patterns, redirect professional careers). We develop and make use of personal toolboxes to get us on the path of supporting behaviors, life changing practices, and sustainable addiction recovery (e.g. digital detox in adolescence).


Retire to the center of your being – with calmness & clarity.


We are also glad to arrange workshops and private sessions on-shore, focusing on:




.Yoga of Awareness.


Please reach out to us in order to define your tailor-made event:

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